what kind of travel attracts rich americans

During their leisure travel, Americans of upper class want is to be with their loved ones, research destinations "nature" and prioritize learning activities.

During Tourism Conference organized by the Ministry of Tourism of Quebec on ​​May 13,
Chris Fair Resonance of the firm presented the results of the survey conducted at the end of 2012, with more than 1200 Americans with incomes of 150,000 $ or more per year. This upper class population, which belongs to 9% of the wealthiest households in the country, was questioned about his habits pleasure.

Holidays A Priority For Most Americains Haves

For affluent Americans, the holidays are synonymous with luxury. Nearly half of respondents associate the following: 

Owning a vacation home in the mountains or at the seaside (48%); 
Make an exotic trip (46%); 
Take an extended leave (45%). 
The top five is completed by owning a smartphone (50%) and the freedom to work from home (47%). Thus, for this segment of the population, luxury is not only related to products, but it is also symbolized by experiences related to travel and leisure.

What kind of travel they like

Wealthy American travelers place more emphasis on accompanying persons traveling rather than planned destination activities. At their next vacation, they plan to go mostly with their families (57%), friends (35%) or couples (29%). For comparison, the same survey conducted in 2008 revealed that only 43% of respondents felt family travel, and 19% with their spouse. Moreover, these travelers are likely to want to escape abroad or make a road trip.

Their Behaviour Of Reservation

Internet booking channel most used by wealthy American travelers. Nearly 60% of them complete their transactions with a travel agent online or on the provider's website. However, some disparity between age groups is observed, since respondents aged under 55 were more likely to use the services of a travel agency online (65% compared to 48% for people aged over 55 years), while older prefer to book directly with the hotel or by the airline (55% compared to 48%). Other methods chosen are, in order of importance, the phone call to book with the provider, the travel agency and tour operator.

Activities They Prefere In Travel

Preferred wealthy Americans traveling occupations have not changed since 2008: eating out, spending time as a couple and a walk. However, their interest in certain activities has changed somewhat in four years. Indeed, visiting local attractions, participation in activities of "exception" and the acquisition of new knowledge has gained popularity as entertainment, fitness training and cooking friends are falling in ranking.

They Want To Live Experience Unusual

One-third of wealthy American travelers practiced activities "exception" to do at least once in their life (once in a lifetime). Their desire for a memorable experience, combined with their personal development, discovery and sharing with those around them become priorities when traveling. This is good news for destinations that are distinguished by the experiences they offer.

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